Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: time="2023-07-14T21:39:26+02:00" level=info msg="task 3698 repo is Kbin/kbin-core https://code.forgejo.org https://codeberg.org" Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()' Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🚀 Start image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker pull image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= username= forcePull=false Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker pull danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Image exists? true Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker create image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= entrypoint=["/bin/sleep" "10800"] cmd=[] Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Common container.Config ==> &{Hostname: Domainname: User: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:false AttachStderr:false ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:false OpenStdin:false StdinOnce:false Env:[RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Cmd:[] Healthcheck: ArgsEscaped:false Image:danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Volumes:map[] WorkingDir:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false MacAddress: OnBuild:[] Labels:map[] StopSignal: StopTimeout: Shell:[]} Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Common container.HostConfig ==> &{Binds:[/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock] ContainerIDFile: LogConfig:{Type: Config:map[]} NetworkMode:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build-network PortBindings:map[] RestartPolicy:{Name: MaximumRetryCount:0} AutoRemove:true VolumeDriver: VolumesFrom:[] ConsoleSize:[0 0] CapAdd:[] CapDrop:[] CgroupnsMode: DNS:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearch:[] ExtraHosts:[] GroupAdd:[] IpcMode: Cgroup: Links:[] OomScoreAdj:0 PidMode: Privileged:false PublishAllPorts:false ReadonlyRootfs:false SecurityOpt:[] StorageOpt:map[] Tmpfs:map[] UTSMode: UsernsMode: ShmSize:0 Sysctls:map[] Runtime: Isolation: Resources:{CPUShares:0 Memory:0 NanoCPUs:0 CgroupParent: BlkioWeight:0 BlkioWeightDevice:[] BlkioDeviceReadBps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteBps:[] BlkioDeviceReadIOps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:[] CPUPeriod:0 CPUQuota:0 CPURealtimePeriod:0 CPURealtimeRuntime:0 CpusetCpus: CpusetMems: Devices:[] DeviceCgroupRules:[] DeviceRequests:[] KernelMemory:0 KernelMemoryTCP:0 MemoryReservation:0 MemorySwap:0 MemorySwappiness: OomKillDisable: PidsLimit: Ulimits:[] CPUCount:0 CPUPercent:0 IOMaximumIOps:0 IOMaximumBandwidth:0} Mounts:[{Type:volume Source:act-toolcache Target:/toolcache ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:} {Type:volume Source:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build-env Target:/var/run/act ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:} {Type:volume Source:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build Target:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:}] MaskedPaths:[] ReadonlyPaths:[] Init:} Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Created container name=GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build id=7092d74d3aae6a7c783eab374536523656dc61551b6ebee75f4966f14ad43d74 from image danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 (platform: ) Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] ENV ==> [RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker run image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= entrypoint=["/bin/sleep" "10800"] cmd=[] Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Starting container: 7092d74d3aae6a7c783eab374536523656dc61551b6ebee75f4966f14ad43d74 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Started container: 7092d74d3aae6a7c783eab374536523656dc61551b6ebee75f4966f14ad43d74 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/event.json len:10666 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act/' Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ☁ git clone 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout' # ref=v3 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] cloning https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Unable to pull refs/heads/v3: worktree contains unstaged changes Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Cloned https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Checked out v3 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Read action &{Checkout Checkout a Git repository at a particular version map[clean:{Whether to execute `git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD` before fetching false true} fetch-depth:{Number of commits to fetch. 0 indicates all history for all branches and tags. false 1} github-server-url:{The base URL for the GitHub instance that you are trying to clone from, will use environment defaults to fetch from the same instance that the workflow is running from unless specified. Example URLs are https://github.com or https://my-ghes-server.example.com false } lfs:{Whether to download Git-LFS files false false} path:{Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository false } persist-credentials:{Whether to configure the token or SSH key with the local git config false true} ref:{The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. When checking out the repository that triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event. Otherwise, uses the default branch. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } repository:{Repository name with owner. For example, actions/checkout false ${{ github.repository }}} set-safe-directory:{Add repository path as safe.directory for Git global config by running `git config --global --add safe.directory ` false true} sparse-checkout:{Do a sparse checkout on given patterns. Each pattern should be separated with new lines Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } sparse-checkout-cone-mode:{Specifies whether to use cone-mode when doing a sparse checkout. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} ssh-key:{SSH key used to fetch the repository. The SSH key is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the SSH key. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-known-hosts:{Known hosts in addition to the user and global host key database. The public SSH keys for a host may be obtained using the utility `ssh-keyscan`. For example, `ssh-keyscan github.com`. The public key for github.com is always implicitly added. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-strict:{Whether to perform strict host key checking. When true, adds the options `StrictHostKeyChecking=yes` and `CheckHostIP=no` to the SSH command line. Use the input `ssh-known-hosts` to configure additional hosts. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} submodules:{Whether to checkout submodules: `true` to checkout submodules or `recursive` to recursively checkout submodules. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: When the `ssh-key` input is not provided, SSH URLs beginning with `git@github.com:` are converted to HTTPS. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false false} token:{Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. The PAT is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the PAT. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Also when generating a new PAT, select the least scopes necessary. Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false ${{ github.token }}}] map[] {node16 map[] dist/index.js always() dist/index.js always() [] []} { }} from 'Unknown' Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ☁ git clone 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache' # ref=v3 Jul 14 21:39:26 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] cloning https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Unable to pull refs/heads/v3: worktree contains unstaged changes Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Cloned https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Checked out v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Read action &{Cache GitHub Cache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time map[enableCrossOsArchive:{An optional boolean when enabled, allows windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms false false} fail-on-cache-miss:{Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found false false} key:{An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache true } lookup-only:{Check if a cache entry exists for the given input(s) (key, restore-keys) without downloading the cache false false} path:{A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore true } restore-keys:{An ordered list of keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key. Note `cache-hit` returns false in this case. false } upload-chunk-size:{The chunk size used to split up large files during upload, in bytes false }] map[cache-hit:{A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the primary key }] {node16 map[] dist/restore/index.js always() dist/save/index.js success() [] []} {gray-dark archive}} from 'Unknown' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:0 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/checkout GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⭐ Run Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] About to run action &{Checkout Checkout a Git repository at a particular version map[clean:{Whether to execute `git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD` before fetching false true} fetch-depth:{Number of commits to fetch. 0 indicates all history for all branches and tags. false 1} github-server-url:{The base URL for the GitHub instance that you are trying to clone from, will use environment defaults to fetch from the same instance that the workflow is running from unless specified. Example URLs are https://github.com or https://my-ghes-server.example.com false } lfs:{Whether to download Git-LFS files false false} path:{Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository false } persist-credentials:{Whether to configure the token or SSH key with the local git config false true} ref:{The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. When checking out the repository that triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event. Otherwise, uses the default branch. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } repository:{Repository name with owner. For example, actions/checkout false ${{ github.repository }}} set-safe-directory:{Add repository path as safe.directory for Git global config by running `git config --global --add safe.directory ` false true} sparse-checkout:{Do a sparse checkout on given patterns. Each pattern should be separated with new lines Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } sparse-checkout-cone-mode:{Specifies whether to use cone-mode when doing a sparse checkout. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} ssh-key:{SSH key used to fetch the repository. The SSH key is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the SSH key. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-known-hosts:{Known hosts in addition to the user and global host key database. The public SSH keys for a host may be obtained using the utility `ssh-keyscan`. For example, `ssh-keyscan github.com`. The public key for github.com is always implicitly added. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-strict:{Whether to perform strict host key checking. When true, adds the options `StrictHostKeyChecking=yes` and `CheckHostIP=no` to the SSH command line. Use the input `ssh-known-hosts` to configure additional hosts. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} submodules:{Whether to checkout submodules: `true` to checkout submodules or `recursive` to recursively checkout submodules. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: When the `ssh-key` input is not provided, SSH URLs beginning with `git@github.com:` are converted to HTTPS. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false false} token:{Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. The PAT is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the PAT. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Also when generating a new PAT, select the least scopes necessary. Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false ${{ github.token }}}] map[] {node16 map[] dist/index.js always() dist/index.js always() [] []} { }} Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ github.repository }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', github.repository)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', github.repository)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', github.repository)' evaluated to '%!t(string=Kbin/kbin-core)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ github.token }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', github.token)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', github.token)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', github.token)' evaluated to '%!t(string=5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e)' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] type=remote-action actionDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 actionPath= workdir=/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core actionCacheDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act actionName=https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 containerActionDir=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Removing /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/.gitignore before docker cp Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker cp src=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing tarball /tmp/act4097579355 from /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Stripping prefix:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ src:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content from '/tmp/act4097579355' to '/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js]' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::GITHUB_WORKSPACE = '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::GITHUB_WORKSPACE = '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::qualified repository = 'Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::qualified repository = 'Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::ref = 'refs/pull/755/head' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::ref = 'refs/pull/755/head' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::commit = 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::commit = 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::clean = true Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::clean = true Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::fetch depth = 1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::fetch depth = 1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::lfs = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::lfs = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::recursive submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::recursive submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::GitHub Host URL = Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::GitHub Host URL = Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ add-matcher /run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/problem-matcher.json Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::add-matcher::/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/problem-matcher.json Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Syncing repository: Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Getting Git version info Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Getting Git version info Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Working directory is '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git version Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | git version 2.39.2 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⚙ *** Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::add-mask::*** Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Temporarily overriding HOME='/tmp/b89e2f10-ea44-4415-8c0f-4ebfb1773083' before making global git config changes Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Deleting the contents of '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Initializing the repository Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Initializing the repository Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git init /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | hint: git branch -m Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/ Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/%0A Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/%0A Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git remote add origin https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Disabling automatic garbage collection Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Disabling automatic garbage collection Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local gc.auto 0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Setting up auth Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Setting up auth Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :" Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader' || :" Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader AUTHORIZATION: basic *** Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Fetching the repository Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Fetching the repository Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=1 origin +secret_token:refs/remotes/pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:27 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | remote: Enumerating objects: 1711, done. Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.0K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [158B blob data] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [3.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | From https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | * [new ref] secret_token -> pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Determining the checkout info Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Determining the checkout info Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::group::Checking out the ref Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::group::Checking out the ref Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git checkout --progress --force refs/remotes/pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Note: switching to 'refs/remotes/pull/755/head'. Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | git switch -c Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Or undo this operation with: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | git switch - Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | HEAD is now at 3f965d9 Enable yarn cache Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::commit secret_token%0AAuthor: Melroy van den Berg %0ADate: Fri Jul 14 21:37:18 2023 +0200%0A%0A Enable yarn cache%0A Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::commit secret_token%0AAuthor: Melroy van den Berg %0ADate: Fri Jul 14 21:37:18 2023 +0200%0A%0A Enable yarn cache%0A Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git log -1 --format='%H' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::'secret_token'%0A Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::'secret_token'%0A Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❓ ::remove-matcher owner=checkout-git:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::remove-matcher owner=checkout-git:: Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ✅ Success - Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:yarn-cache-dir-path GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⭐ Run Main Get yarn cache directory path Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Wrote command Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: echo "dir=$(yarn cache dir)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: to 'workflow/yarn-cache-dir-path.sh' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/yarn-cache-dir-path.sh len:48 Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/yarn-cache-dir-path.sh] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Exec command '[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/yarn-cache-dir-path.sh]' Jul 14 21:39:28 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ✅ Success - Main Get yarn cache directory path Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⚙ ::set-output:: dir=/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:composer-cache GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⭐ Run Main Get Composer Cache Directory Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Wrote command Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: echo "dir=$(composer config cache-files-dir)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: to 'workflow/composer-cache.sh' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/composer-cache.sh len:66 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/composer-cache.sh] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Exec command '[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/composer-cache.sh]' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ✅ Success - Main Get Composer Cache Directory Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⚙ ::set-output:: dir=/root/.cache/composer/files Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ runner.os }}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ' rewritten to 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' evaluated to '%!t(string=Linux-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: )' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' evaluated to '%!t()' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] Unable to interpolate expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))': Unable to filepath.Walk: lstat /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core: no such file or directory Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' evaluated to '%!t(string=/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:yarn-cache GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/cache GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_KEY: INPUT_PATH:/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6 INPUT_RESTORE-KEYS:Linux-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⭐ Run Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] About to run action &{Cache GitHub Cache artifacts like dependencies and build outputs to improve workflow execution time map[enableCrossOsArchive:{An optional boolean when enabled, allows windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms false false} fail-on-cache-miss:{Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found false false} key:{An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache true } lookup-only:{Check if a cache entry exists for the given input(s) (key, restore-keys) without downloading the cache false false} path:{A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore true } restore-keys:{An ordered list of keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key. Note `cache-hit` returns false in this case. false } upload-chunk-size:{The chunk size used to split up large files during upload, in bytes false }] map[cache-hit:{A boolean value to indicate an exact match was found for the primary key }] {node16 map[] dist/restore/index.js always() dist/save/index.js success() [] []} {gray-dark archive}} Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] type=remote-action actionDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 actionPath= workdir=/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core actionCacheDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act actionName=https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 containerActionDir=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Removing /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/.gitignore before docker cp Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker cp src=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing tarball /tmp/act3107034079 from /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Stripping prefix:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/ src:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content from '/tmp/act3107034079' to '/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/dist/restore/index.js] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/dist/restore/index.js] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-cache@v3/dist/restore/index.js]' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❗ ::error::Input required and not supplied: key Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::error::Input required and not supplied: key Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ❌ Failure - Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache@v3 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] exitcode '1': failure Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:4 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'false' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Skipping step 'cp .env.example .env' due to '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:5 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'false' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Skipping step 'Composer install' due to '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:6 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'false' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Skipping step 'Yarn install' due to '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:7 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'false' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Skipping step 'Build frontend' due to '' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir)' evaluated to '%!t(string=/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ runner.os }}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ' rewritten to 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: ', runner.os)' evaluated to '%!t(string=Linux-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: )' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression '${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))' evaluated to '%!t()' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] Unable to interpolate expression 'format('{0}-yarn-{1}', runner.os, hashFiles('**/yarn.lock'))': Unable to filepath.Walk: lstat /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core: no such file or directory Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:yarn-cache GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/cache GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_ENV:/var/run/act/workflow/envs.txt GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_OUTPUT:/var/run/act/workflow/outputcmd.txt GITHUB_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/pathcmd.txt GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_STATE:/var/run/act/workflow/statecmd.txt GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY:/var/run/act/workflow/SUMMARY.md GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_ENABLECROSSOSARCHIVE:false INPUT_FAIL-ON-CACHE-MISS:false INPUT_KEY: INPUT_LOOKUP-ONLY:false INPUT_PATH:/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6 INPUT_RESTORE-KEYS:Linux-yarn- Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: INPUT_UPLOAD-CHUNK-SIZE: ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'false' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Skipping step 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/cache@v3' due to 'success()' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:0 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/checkout GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_ENV:/var/run/act/workflow/envs.txt GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:build GITHUB_OUTPUT:/var/run/act/workflow/outputcmd.txt GITHUB_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/pathcmd.txt GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_STATE:/var/run/act/workflow/statecmd.txt GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY:/var/run/act/workflow/SUMMARY.md GITHUB_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_CLEAN:true INPUT_FETCH-DEPTH:1 INPUT_GITHUB-SERVER-URL: INPUT_LFS:false INPUT_PATH: INPUT_PERSIST-CREDENTIALS:true INPUT_REF: INPUT_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_SET-SAFE-DIRECTORY:true INPUT_SPARSE-CHECKOUT: INPUT_SPARSE-CHECKOUT-CONE-MODE:true INPUT_SSH-KEY: INPUT_SSH-KNOWN-HOSTS: INPUT_SSH-STRICT:true INPUT_SUBMODULES:false INPUT_TOKEN:5291ca1115783fc5598f4cfe0d823c4c2e26eb5e ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'always()' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] expression 'always()' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⭐ Run Post https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] run post step for 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js]' Jul 14 21:39:29 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git version Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | git version 2.39.2 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ⚙ *** Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::add-mask::*** Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Temporarily overriding HOME='/tmp/1f33caa1-abc4-4721-b816-a29474f1ccf1' before making global git config changes Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :" Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader%0A Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader%0A Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --unset-all http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader' || :" Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 💬 ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] | ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] ✅ Success - Post https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] Cleaning up services for job build Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] Cleaning up container for job build Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] Removed container: 7092d74d3aae6a7c783eab374536523656dc61551b6ebee75f4966f14ad43d74 Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker volume rm GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker volume rm GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build-env Jul 14 21:39:30 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] Cleaning up network for job build, and network name is: GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3698_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-build-network Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/build] 🏁 Job failed Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: time="2023-07-14T21:39:31+02:00" level=info msg="task 3699 repo is Kbin/kbin-core https://code.forgejo.org https://codeberg.org" Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'success()' Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression 'success()' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🚀 Start image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker pull image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= username= forcePull=false Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker pull danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Image exists? true Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker create image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= entrypoint=["/bin/sleep" "10800"] cmd=[] Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Common container.Config ==> &{Hostname: Domainname: User: AttachStdin:false AttachStdout:false AttachStderr:false ExposedPorts:map[] Tty:false OpenStdin:false StdinOnce:false Env:[RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Cmd:[] Healthcheck: ArgsEscaped:false Image:danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 Volumes:map[] WorkingDir:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Entrypoint:[] NetworkDisabled:false MacAddress: OnBuild:[] Labels:map[] StopSignal: StopTimeout: Shell:[]} Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Common container.HostConfig ==> &{Binds:[/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock] ContainerIDFile: LogConfig:{Type: Config:map[]} NetworkMode:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test-network PortBindings:map[] RestartPolicy:{Name: MaximumRetryCount:0} AutoRemove:true VolumeDriver: VolumesFrom:[] ConsoleSize:[0 0] CapAdd:[] CapDrop:[] CgroupnsMode: DNS:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearch:[] ExtraHosts:[] GroupAdd:[] IpcMode: Cgroup: Links:[] OomScoreAdj:0 PidMode: Privileged:false PublishAllPorts:false ReadonlyRootfs:false SecurityOpt:[] StorageOpt:map[] Tmpfs:map[] UTSMode: UsernsMode: ShmSize:0 Sysctls:map[] Runtime: Isolation: Resources:{CPUShares:0 Memory:0 NanoCPUs:0 CgroupParent: BlkioWeight:0 BlkioWeightDevice:[] BlkioDeviceReadBps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteBps:[] BlkioDeviceReadIOps:[] BlkioDeviceWriteIOps:[] CPUPeriod:0 CPUQuota:0 CPURealtimePeriod:0 CPURealtimeRuntime:0 CpusetCpus: CpusetMems: Devices:[] DeviceCgroupRules:[] DeviceRequests:[] KernelMemory:0 KernelMemoryTCP:0 MemoryReservation:0 MemorySwap:0 MemorySwappiness: OomKillDisable: PidsLimit: Ulimits:[] CPUCount:0 CPUPercent:0 IOMaximumIOps:0 IOMaximumBandwidth:0} Mounts:[{Type:volume Source:act-toolcache Target:/toolcache ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:} {Type:volume Source:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test-env Target:/var/run/act ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:} {Type:volume Source:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test Target:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ReadOnly:false Consistency: BindOptions: VolumeOptions: TmpfsOptions: ClusterOptions:}] MaskedPaths:[] ReadonlyPaths:[] Init:} Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Created container name=GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test id=184404b65a454f3a26357264dfc1d2d8f83ab29faf5ac35b975411604e604040 from image danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 (platform: ) Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] ENV ==> [RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/opt/hostedtoolcache RUNNER_OS=Linux RUNNER_ARCH=X64 RUNNER_TEMP=/tmp LANG=C.UTF-8] Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker run image=danger89/kbin-image:0.1.0 platform= entrypoint=["/bin/sleep" "10800"] cmd=[] Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Starting container: 184404b65a454f3a26357264dfc1d2d8f83ab29faf5ac35b975411604e604040 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Started container: 184404b65a454f3a26357264dfc1d2d8f83ab29faf5ac35b975411604e604040 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/event.json len:10666 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act/' Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ☁ git clone 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout' # ref=v3 Jul 14 21:39:31 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] cloning https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Unable to pull refs/heads/v3: worktree contains unstaged changes Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Cloned https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout to /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Checked out v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Read action &{Checkout Checkout a Git repository at a particular version map[clean:{Whether to execute `git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD` before fetching false true} fetch-depth:{Number of commits to fetch. 0 indicates all history for all branches and tags. false 1} github-server-url:{The base URL for the GitHub instance that you are trying to clone from, will use environment defaults to fetch from the same instance that the workflow is running from unless specified. Example URLs are https://github.com or https://my-ghes-server.example.com false } lfs:{Whether to download Git-LFS files false false} path:{Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository false } persist-credentials:{Whether to configure the token or SSH key with the local git config false true} ref:{The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. When checking out the repository that triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event. Otherwise, uses the default branch. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } repository:{Repository name with owner. For example, actions/checkout false ${{ github.repository }}} set-safe-directory:{Add repository path as safe.directory for Git global config by running `git config --global --add safe.directory ` false true} sparse-checkout:{Do a sparse checkout on given patterns. Each pattern should be separated with new lines Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } sparse-checkout-cone-mode:{Specifies whether to use cone-mode when doing a sparse checkout. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} ssh-key:{SSH key used to fetch the repository. The SSH key is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the SSH key. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-known-hosts:{Known hosts in addition to the user and global host key database. The public SSH keys for a host may be obtained using the utility `ssh-keyscan`. For example, `ssh-keyscan github.com`. The public key for github.com is always implicitly added. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-strict:{Whether to perform strict host key checking. When true, adds the options `StrictHostKeyChecking=yes` and `CheckHostIP=no` to the SSH command line. Use the input `ssh-known-hosts` to configure additional hosts. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} submodules:{Whether to checkout submodules: `true` to checkout submodules or `recursive` to recursively checkout submodules. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: When the `ssh-key` input is not provided, SSH URLs beginning with `git@github.com:` are converted to HTTPS. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false false} token:{Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. The PAT is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the PAT. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Also when generating a new PAT, select the least scopes necessary. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false ${{ github.token }}}] map[] {node16 map[] dist/index.js always() dist/index.js always() [] []} { }} from 'Unknown' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:secret_token ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:0 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/checkout GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:unit-test GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:secret_token GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⭐ Run Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] About to run action &{Checkout Checkout a Git repository at a particular version map[clean:{Whether to execute `git clean -ffdx && git reset --hard HEAD` before fetching false true} fetch-depth:{Number of commits to fetch. 0 indicates all history for all branches and tags. false 1} github-server-url:{The base URL for the GitHub instance that you are trying to clone from, will use environment defaults to fetch from the same instance that the workflow is running from unless specified. Example URLs are https://github.com or https://my-ghes-server.example.com false } lfs:{Whether to download Git-LFS files false false} path:{Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository false } persist-credentials:{Whether to configure the token or SSH key with the local git config false true} ref:{The branch, tag or SHA to checkout. When checking out the repository that triggered a workflow, this defaults to the reference or SHA for that event. Otherwise, uses the default branch. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } repository:{Repository name with owner. For example, actions/checkout false ${{ github.repository }}} set-safe-directory:{Add repository path as safe.directory for Git global config by running `git config --global --add safe.directory ` false true} sparse-checkout:{Do a sparse checkout on given patterns. Each pattern should be separated with new lines Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } sparse-checkout-cone-mode:{Specifies whether to use cone-mode when doing a sparse checkout. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} ssh-key:{SSH key used to fetch the repository. The SSH key is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the SSH key. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-known-hosts:{Known hosts in addition to the user and global host key database. The public SSH keys for a host may be obtained using the utility `ssh-keyscan`. For example, `ssh-keyscan github.com`. The public key for github.com is always implicitly added. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false } ssh-strict:{Whether to perform strict host key checking. When true, adds the options `StrictHostKeyChecking=yes` and `CheckHostIP=no` to the SSH command line. Use the input `ssh-known-hosts` to configure additional hosts. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false true} submodules:{Whether to checkout submodules: `true` to checkout submodules or `recursive` to recursively checkout submodules. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: When the `ssh-key` input is not provided, SSH URLs beginning with `git@github.com:` are converted to HTTPS. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false false} token:{Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. The PAT is configured with the local git config, which enables your scripts to run authenticated git commands. The post-job step removes the PAT. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: We recommend using a service account with the least permissions necessary. Also when generating a new PAT, select the least scopes necessary. Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Learn more about creating and using encrypted secrets](https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/creating-and-using-encrypted-secrets) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: false ${{ github.token }}}] map[] {node16 map[] dist/index.js always() dist/index.js always() [] []} { }} Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '${{ github.repository }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', github.repository)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', github.repository)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', github.repository)' evaluated to '%!t(string=Kbin/kbin-core)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '${{ github.token }}' rewritten to 'format('{0}', github.token)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'format('{0}', github.token)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression 'format('{0}', github.token)' evaluated to '%!t(string=secret_token)' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] type=remote-action actionDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 actionPath= workdir=/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core actionCacheDir=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act actionName=https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 containerActionDir=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Removing /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/.gitignore before docker cp Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker cp src=/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ dst=/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing tarball /tmp/act2300787293 from /home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Stripping prefix:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ src:/home/codeberg-runner/.cache/act/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/ Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content from '/tmp/act2300787293' to '/var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js]' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::GITHUB_WORKSPACE = '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::GITHUB_WORKSPACE = '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::qualified repository = 'Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::qualified repository = 'Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::ref = 'refs/pull/755/head' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::ref = 'refs/pull/755/head' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::commit = 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::commit = 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::clean = true Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::clean = true Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::fetch depth = 1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::fetch depth = 1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::lfs = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::lfs = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::recursive submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::recursive submodules = false Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::GitHub Host URL = Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::GitHub Host URL = Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ add-matcher /run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/problem-matcher.json Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::add-matcher::/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/problem-matcher.json Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Syncing repository: Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Getting Git version info Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Getting Git version info Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Working directory is '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git version Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | git version 2.39.2 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⚙ *** Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::add-mask::*** Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Temporarily overriding HOME='/tmp/64e0b033-bfaf-46d6-aaa3-ac5d5862e29b' before making global git config changes Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Deleting the contents of '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Initializing the repository Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Initializing the repository Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git init /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | hint: git branch -m Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/ Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/%0A Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Initialized empty Git repository in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/.git/%0A Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git remote add origin https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Disabling automatic garbage collection Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Disabling automatic garbage collection Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local gc.auto 0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Setting up auth Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Setting up auth Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :" Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader' || :" Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader AUTHORIZATION: basic *** Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Fetching the repository Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Fetching the repository Jul 14 21:39:32 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=1 origin +secret_token:refs/remotes/pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | remote: Enumerating objects: 1711, done. Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.0K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [5.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [162B blob data] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [3.3K blob data] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | From https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | * [new ref] secret_token -> pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Determining the checkout info Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Determining the checkout info Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::group::Checking out the ref Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::group::Checking out the ref Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git checkout --progress --force refs/remotes/pull/755/head Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Note: switching to 'refs/remotes/pull/755/head'. Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | git switch -c Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Or undo this operation with: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | git switch - Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | HEAD is now at 3f965d9 Enable yarn cache Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::endgroup:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::commit secret_token%0AAuthor: Melroy van den Berg %0ADate: Fri Jul 14 21:37:18 2023 +0200%0A%0A Enable yarn cache%0A Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::commit secret_token%0AAuthor: Melroy van den Berg %0ADate: Fri Jul 14 21:37:18 2023 +0200%0A%0A Enable yarn cache%0A Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git log -1 --format='%H' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | 'secret_token' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::'secret_token'%0A Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::'secret_token'%0A Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ❓ ::remove-matcher owner=checkout-git:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::remove-matcher owner=checkout-git:: Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ✅ Success - Main https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:secret_token ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:1 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:unit-test GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:secret_token GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⭐ Run Main cp .env.example .env Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Wrote command Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: cp .env.example .env Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: to 'workflow/1.sh' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/1.sh len:22 Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/1.sh] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Exec command '[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/1.sh]' Jul 14 21:39:33 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ✅ Success - Main cp .env.example .env Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:secret_token ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:2 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:unit-test GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:secret_token GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⭐ Run Main composer install --dev Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Wrote command Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: composer install --dev Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: to 'workflow/2.sh' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/2.sh len:24 Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/2.sh] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Exec command '[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/2.sh]' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | You are using the deprecated option "--dev". It has no effect and will break in Composer 3. Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform. Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Package operations: 201 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading composer/package-versions-deprecated ( Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/flex (v2.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/runtime (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.7.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer (v0.7.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading willdurand/negotiation (3.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/link (2.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/web-link (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/serializer (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/string (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/property-info (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/property-access (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/log (3.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/error-handler (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/container (2.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/cache (3.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/inflector (2.0.8) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading api-platform/core (v2.7.13) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading aws/aws-crt-php (v1.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/routing (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/config (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading pagerfanta/core (v3.8.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading babdev/pagerfanta-bundle (v4.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/finder (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/cache-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/cache (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/event-manager (2.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/persistence (3.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/doctrine-bridge (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/console (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/sql-formatter (1.1.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/cache (2.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/dbal (3.6.4) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/doctrine-bundle (2.10.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading dama/doctrine-test-bundle (v7.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/http-message (1.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/http-client (1.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/http-factory (1.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.5.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.7.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading debril/feed-io (v5.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading debril/rss-atom-bundle (v5.1.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/lexer (2.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/annotations (1.14.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/common (3.4.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/instantiator (2.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/collections (2.1.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/orm (2.15.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/data-fixtures (1.6.6) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (3.4.4) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/stopwatch (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/migrations (3.6.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (3.2.4) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading egulias/email-validator (4.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading oscarotero/html-parser (v0.1.7) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading ml/iri (1.1.4) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading ml/json-ld (1.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading composer/ca-bundle (1.3.6) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading embed/embed (dev-master 530593a) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator (v2.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle (3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading furqansiddiqui/bip39-mnemonic-php (0.1.7) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading fzaninotto/faker (dev-master 5ffe7db) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading gmostafa/php-graphql-client (v1.13) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading gumlet/php-image-resize (2.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/translation (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/templating (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading knplabs/knp-time-bundle (v1.20.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/oauth2-client (2.7.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle (v2.15.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading kornrunner/blurhash (v1.2.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading laminas/laminas-code (4.11.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.21) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading monolog/monolog (3.4.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading landrok/activitypub (0.5.8) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nette/utils (v4.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nette/schema (v1.2.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading dflydev/dot-access-data (v3.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/config (v1.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/commonmark (2.4.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/mime-type-detection (1.11.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/flysystem (3.15.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/flysystem-local (3.15.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading mtdowling/jmespath.php (2.6.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading aws/aws-sdk-php (3.275.6) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (3.15.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/html-to-markdown (5.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/oauth2-facebook (2.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/oauth2-github (3.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading league/oauth2-google (4.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/password-hasher (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/security-core (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/security-http (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/security-csrf (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading psr/clock (1.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/clock (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/security-bundle (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading namshi/jose (7.2.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading lcobucci/jwt (5.0.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading lcobucci/clock (3.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle (v2.19.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading twig/twig (v3.6.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/process (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/options-resolver (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/mime (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading imagine/imagine (1.3.5) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading liip/imagine-bundle (2.11.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/validator (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/form (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading laminas/laminas-diactoros (2.25.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nyholm/psr7 (1.8.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/http-client (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading meteo-concept/hcaptcha-bundle (v3.4.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading neitanod/forceutf8 (v2.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nelmio/cors-bundle (2.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/expression-language (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nucleos/antispam-bundle (2.3.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading oneup/flysystem-bundle (4.8.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading pagerfanta/doctrine-collections-adapter (v4.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading pagerfanta/doctrine-dbal-adapter (v4.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading pagerfanta/doctrine-orm-adapter (v4.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading pagerfanta/twig (v4.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading webmozart/assert (1.11.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.6.2) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpstan/phpstan (1.10.25) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading predis/predis (v2.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading scienta/doctrine-json-functions (5.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpstan/phpdoc-parser (0.4.9) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading slevomat/coding-standard (6.4.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/messenger (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/amqp-messenger (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading masterminds/html5 (2.8.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/dom-crawler (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/browser-kit (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/css-selector (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/doctrine-messenger (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/dotenv (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/lock (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/mailer (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/mailgun-mailer (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading nikic/php-parser (v4.16.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/maker-bundle (v1.50.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/mercure (v0.6.3) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/mercure-bundle (v0.3.7) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/monolog-bridge (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.8.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/phpunit-bridge (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/rate-limiter (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/redis-messenger (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/polyfill-uuid (v1.27.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/uid (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/ux-autocomplete (v2.10.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/stimulus-bundle (v2.10.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/ux-chartjs (v2.10.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/ux-twig-component (v2.10.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/twig-bundle (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/asset (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/webpack-encore-bundle (v2.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/workflow (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/yaml (v6.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle (v1.17.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfonycasts/verify-email-bundle (v1.13.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading tchoulom/view-counter-bundle (6.1.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading twig/extra-bundle (v3.6.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading twig/html-extra (v3.6.0) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading symfony/intl (v6.3.1) Jul 14 21:39:34 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading twig/intl-extra (v3.6.0) Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing composer/package-versions-deprecated ( Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/flex (v2.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/runtime (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (3.7.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer (v0.7.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing willdurand/negotiation (3.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/link (2.0.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/web-link (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/serializer (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/string (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/property-info (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/property-access (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-php83 (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/http-foundation (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/event-dispatcher (1.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/var-dumper (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/log (3.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/error-handler (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/http-kernel (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/container (2.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/cache (3.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/inflector (2.0.8): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing api-platform/core (v2.7.13): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing aws/aws-crt-php (v1.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/routing (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/var-exporter (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/service-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/dependency-injection (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/filesystem (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/config (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing pagerfanta/core (v3.8.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing babdev/pagerfanta-bundle (v4.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/finder (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/cache-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/cache (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/framework-bundle (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/event-manager (2.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/persistence (3.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/doctrine-bridge (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/console (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/sql-formatter (1.1.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/cache (2.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/dbal (3.6.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/doctrine-bundle (2.10.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing dama/doctrine-test-bundle (v7.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/http-message (1.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/http-client (1.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing ralouphie/getallheaders (3.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/http-factory (1.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing guzzlehttp/psr7 (2.5.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing guzzlehttp/promises (1.5.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing guzzlehttp/guzzle (7.7.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing debril/feed-io (v5.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing debril/rss-atom-bundle (v5.1.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/lexer (2.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/annotations (1.14.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/common (3.4.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/instantiator (2.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/collections (2.1.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/orm (2.15.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/data-fixtures (1.6.6): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (3.4.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/stopwatch (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/migrations (3.6.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle (3.2.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-idn (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing egulias/email-validator (4.0.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing oscarotero/html-parser (v0.1.7): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing ml/iri (1.1.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing ml/json-ld (1.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing composer/ca-bundle (1.3.6): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing embed/embed (dev-master 530593a): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing willdurand/jsonp-callback-validator (v2.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle (3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing furqansiddiqui/bip39-mnemonic-php (0.1.7): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing fzaninotto/faker (dev-master 5ffe7db): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing gmostafa/php-graphql-client (v1.13): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing gumlet/php-image-resize (2.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.2.12): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/translation-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/translation (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/templating (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing knplabs/knp-time-bundle (v1.20.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing paragonie/random_compat (v9.99.100): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/oauth2-client (2.7.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle (v2.15.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing kornrunner/blurhash (v1.2.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing laminas/laminas-code (4.11.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing paragonie/constant_time_encoding (v2.6.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpseclib/phpseclib (3.0.21): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing monolog/monolog (3.4.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing landrok/activitypub (0.5.8): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nette/utils (v4.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nette/schema (v1.2.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing dflydev/dot-access-data (v3.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/config (v1.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/commonmark (2.4.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/mime-type-detection (1.11.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/flysystem (3.15.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/flysystem-local (3.15.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing mtdowling/jmespath.php (2.6.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing aws/aws-sdk-php (3.275.6): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 (3.15.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/html-to-markdown (5.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/oauth2-facebook (2.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/oauth2-github (3.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing league/oauth2-google (4.0.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/password-hasher (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/security-core (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/security-http (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/security-csrf (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing psr/clock (1.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/clock (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/security-bundle (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-php56 (v1.20.0) Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing namshi/jose (7.2.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing lcobucci/jwt (5.0.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing lcobucci/clock (3.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle (v2.19.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing twig/twig (v3.6.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/process (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/options-resolver (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/mime (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing imagine/imagine (1.3.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing liip/imagine-bundle (2.11.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/validator (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/twig-bridge (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-intl-icu (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/form (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing laminas/laminas-diactoros (2.25.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nyholm/psr7 (1.8.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/http-client-contracts (v3.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/http-client (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing meteo-concept/hcaptcha-bundle (v3.4.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing neitanod/forceutf8 (v2.0.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nelmio/cors-bundle (2.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/expression-language (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nucleos/antispam-bundle (2.3.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing oneup/flysystem-bundle (4.8.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing pagerfanta/doctrine-collections-adapter (v4.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing pagerfanta/doctrine-dbal-adapter (v4.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing pagerfanta/doctrine-orm-adapter (v4.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing pagerfanta/twig (v4.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.6.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpstan/phpstan (1.10.25): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing predis/predis (v2.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing scienta/doctrine-json-functions (5.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (0.4.9): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing slevomat/coding-standard (6.4.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/messenger (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/amqp-messenger (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing masterminds/html5 (2.8.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/dom-crawler (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/browser-kit (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/css-selector (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/doctrine-messenger (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/dotenv (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/lock (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/mailer (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/mailgun-mailer (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nikic/php-parser (v4.16.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/maker-bundle (v1.50.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/mercure (v0.6.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/mercure-bundle (v0.3.7): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/monolog-bridge (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/monolog-bundle (v3.8.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/phpunit-bridge (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts (v1.0.16): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/rate-limiter (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/redis-messenger (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/polyfill-uuid (v1.27.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/uid (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/ux-autocomplete (v2.10.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/stimulus-bundle (v2.10.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/ux-chartjs (v2.10.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/ux-twig-component (v2.10.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/twig-bundle (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/web-profiler-bundle (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/asset (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/webpack-encore-bundle (v2.0.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/workflow (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/yaml (v6.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle (v1.17.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfonycasts/verify-email-bundle (v1.13.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing tchoulom/view-counter-bundle (6.1.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing twig/extra-bundle (v3.6.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing twig/html-extra (v3.6.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/intl (v6.3.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:40 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing twig/intl-extra (v3.6.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:42 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Package fzaninotto/faker is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. Jul 14 21:39:42 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Generating optimized autoload files Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | 132 packages you are using are looking for funding. Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Run composer recipes at any time to see the status of your Symfony recipes. Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:49 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | PHP CodeSniffer Config installed_paths set to ../../slevomat/coding-standard Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Executing script assets:install public [OK] Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ✅ Success - Main composer install --dev Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:secret_token ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:3 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF: GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY: GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:unit-test GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_TOKEN:secret_token GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression '' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression '' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⭐ Run Main Run unit tests Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Wrote command Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=disabled php bin/phpunit tests/Unit Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: to 'workflow/3.sh' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/3.sh len:66 Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/3.sh] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Exec command '[sh -e /var/run/act/workflow/3.sh]' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | No composer.json found in the current directory, showing available packages from packagist.org Jul 14 21:39:51 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Info from https://repo.packagist.org: #StandWithUkraine Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Creating a "phpunit/phpunit" project at "./phpunit-9.4-0" Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Installing phpunit/phpunit (9.4.4) Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Plugins have been disabled. Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/phpunit (9.4.4) Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/phpunit (9.4.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:52 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Created project in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/bin/.phpunit/phpunit-9.4-0 Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | composer.json has been updated Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | No composer.lock file present. Updating dependencies to latest instead of installing from lock file. See https://getcomposer.org/install for more information. Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Loading composer repositories with package information Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Updating dependencies Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Lock file operations: 36 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking doctrine/instantiator (1.5.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking myclabs/deep-copy (1.11.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking nikic/php-parser (v4.16.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phar-io/manifest (2.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phar-io/version (3.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.7.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpspec/prophecy (v1.17.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpspec/prophecy-phpunit (v2.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.22.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpunit/php-code-coverage (9.2.26) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpunit/php-file-iterator (3.0.6) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpunit/php-invoker (3.1.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpunit/php-text-template (2.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking phpunit/php-timer (5.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/cli-parser (1.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/code-unit (1.0.8) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (2.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/comparator (4.0.8) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/complexity (2.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/diff (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/environment (5.1.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/exporter (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/global-state (5.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/lines-of-code (1.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/object-enumerator (4.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/object-reflector (2.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/recursion-context (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/resource-operations (3.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/type (2.3.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking sebastian/version (3.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking symfony/phpunit-bridge (9.4.99) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking theseer/tokenizer (1.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Locking webmozart/assert (1.11.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Writing lock file Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Installing dependencies from lock file Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Package operations: 35 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading myclabs/deep-copy (1.11.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phar-io/version (3.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phar-io/manifest (2.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.22.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.7.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/recursion-context (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/exporter (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/diff (4.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/comparator (4.0.8) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading doctrine/instantiator (1.5.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpspec/prophecy (v1.17.0) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading theseer/tokenizer (1.2.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/version (3.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/lines-of-code (1.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/environment (5.1.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/complexity (2.0.2) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (2.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/php-text-template (2.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/php-file-iterator (3.0.6) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/php-code-coverage (9.2.26) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/php-invoker (3.1.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading phpunit/php-timer (5.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/cli-parser (1.0.1) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/code-unit (1.0.8) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/object-reflector (2.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/global-state (5.0.5) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/object-enumerator (4.0.4) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/resource-operations (3.0.3) Jul 14 21:39:53 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Downloading sebastian/type (2.3.4) Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.11.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phar-io/version (3.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phar-io/manifest (2.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (1.22.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.2.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/deprecations (v1.1.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.7.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (4.0.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/exporter (4.0.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/diff (4.0.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/comparator (4.0.8): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing webmozart/assert (1.11.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.3.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.5.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.17.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing theseer/tokenizer (1.2.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/version (3.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing nikic/php-parser (v4.16.0): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/lines-of-code (1.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/environment (5.1.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/complexity (2.0.2): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (2.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (2.0.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (3.0.6): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (9.2.26): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/php-invoker (3.1.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing phpunit/php-timer (5.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/cli-parser (1.0.1): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/code-unit (1.0.8): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/object-reflector (2.0.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/global-state (5.0.5): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/object-enumerator (4.0.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/resource-operations (3.0.3): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing sebastian/type (2.3.4): Extracting archive Jul 14 21:39:54 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | - Installing symfony/phpunit-bridge (9.4.99): Symlinking from ../../../vendor/symfony/phpunit-bridge Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | 7 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use `composer suggest` to see details. Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Generating optimized autoload files Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | 24 packages you are using are looking for funding. Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Use the `composer fund` command to find out more! Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Deprecated: PHPUnit\Runner\DefaultTestResultCache implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary) in /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/bin/.phpunit/phpunit-9.4-0/src/Runner/DefaultTestResultCache.php on line 34 Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | PHPUnit 9.4.4 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:55 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Testing /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core/tests/Unit Jul 14 21:39:56 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ...................... 22 / 22 (100%) Jul 14 21:39:56 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:56 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Time: 00:01.662, Memory: 103.00 MB Jul 14 21:39:56 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Jul 14 21:39:56 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | OK (22 tests, 22 assertions) Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ✅ Success - Main Run unit tests Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] setupEnv => map[ACT:true ACTIONS_CACHE_URL: ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN:secret_token ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/actions_pipeline/ CI:true GITEA_ACTIONS:true GITEA_ACTIONS_RUNNER_VERSION:v2.3.0 GITHUB_ACTION:0 GITHUB_ACTIONS:true GITHUB_ACTION_PATH: GITHUB_ACTION_REF:v3 GITHUB_ACTION_REPOSITORY:actions/checkout GITHUB_ACTOR:melroy89 GITHUB_API_URL:https://codeberg.org/api/v1 GITHUB_BASE_REF: GITHUB_ENV:/var/run/act/workflow/envs.txt GITHUB_EVENT_NAME:pull_request GITHUB_EVENT_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/event.json GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL: GITHUB_HEAD_REF: GITHUB_JOB:unit-test GITHUB_OUTPUT:/var/run/act/workflow/outputcmd.txt GITHUB_PATH:/var/run/act/workflow/pathcmd.txt GITHUB_REF:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_NAME:refs/pull/755/head GITHUB_REF_TYPE: GITHUB_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER:Kbin GITHUB_RETENTION_DAYS: GITHUB_RUN_ID:1341 GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:21 GITHUB_SERVER_URL:https://codeberg.org GITHUB_SHA:secret_token GITHUB_STATE:/var/run/act/workflow/statecmd.txt GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY:/var/run/act/workflow/SUMMARY.md GITHUB_TOKEN:secret_token GITHUB_WORKFLOW:Kbin CI/CD pipeline GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_CLEAN:true INPUT_FETCH-DEPTH:1 INPUT_GITHUB-SERVER-URL: INPUT_LFS:false INPUT_PATH: INPUT_PERSIST-CREDENTIALS:true INPUT_REF: INPUT_REPOSITORY:Kbin/kbin-core INPUT_SET-SAFE-DIRECTORY:true INPUT_SPARSE-CHECKOUT: INPUT_SPARSE-CHECKOUT-CONE-MODE:true INPUT_SSH-KEY: INPUT_SSH-KNOWN-HOSTS: INPUT_SSH-STRICT:true INPUT_SUBMODULES:false INPUT_TOKEN:secret_token ImageOS:docker JOB_CONTAINER_NAME:GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test RUNNER_PERFLOG:/dev/null RUNNER_TRACKING_ID:] Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] evaluating expression 'always()' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] expression 'always()' evaluated to 'true' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⭐ Run Post https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/outputcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/statecmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/pathcmd.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/envs.txt len:0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Writing entry to tarball workflow/SUMMARY.md len:0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Extracting content to '/var/run/act' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] run post step for 'https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] executing remote job container: [node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js] user= workdir= Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Exec command '[node /var/run/act/actions/https---code.forgejo.org-actions-checkout@v3/dist/index.js]' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Working directory '/workspace/Kbin/kbin-core' Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Getting git version Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git version Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | git version 2.39.2 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::git version 2.39.2%0A Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Set git useragent to: git/2.39.2 (github-actions-checkout) Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ⚙ *** Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::add-mask::*** Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Temporarily overriding HOME='/tmp/99c70cfb-57d5-46b0-903d-352916d0e2bc' before making global git config changes Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace/Kbin/kbin-core Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::1 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :" Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader%0A Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader%0A Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --unset-all http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/codeberg\.org\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://codeberg.org/.extraheader' || :" Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::0 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug:: Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 💬 ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] | ::debug::Unsetting HOME override Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] ✅ Success - Post https://code.forgejo.org/actions/checkout@v3 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] Cleaning up services for job unit-test Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] Cleaning up container for job unit-test Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] Removed container: 184404b65a454f3a26357264dfc1d2d8f83ab29faf5ac35b975411604e604040 Jul 14 21:39:57 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker volume rm GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test Jul 14 21:39:58 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] [DEBUG] 🐳 docker volume rm GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test-env Jul 14 21:39:58 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] Cleaning up network for job unit-test, and network name is: GITEA-ACTIONS-TASK-3699_WORKFLOW-Kbin-CI-CD-pipeline_JOB-unit-test-network Jul 14 21:39:58 ubuntu-server forgejo-runner[1852327]: [Kbin CI/CD pipeline/unit-test] 🏁 Job succeeded