• Joined on 2023-08-03
gmem commented on issue forgejo/runner#82 2023-09-21 18:56:04 +00:00
The "runner on kubernetes" example is far from working

Huh, I didn't notice that these examples changed. I'll have to test this new revision in my own cluster - the ones from https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/runner/src/commit/16dec924c855f73ce39fc716e1

gmem commented on pull request forgejo/runner#69 2023-08-17 11:06:33 +00:00
#40: Simplify Kubernetes examples with offline registration

I was wondering what the best way of going about this could be - whether it be a dry run kubectl apply to test them or spinning up a small cluster. I'll take a look around and see if there are…

gmem pushed to 40-kubernetes-examples at gmem/runner 2023-08-17 09:43:24 +00:00
af87ebbe7c Update Kubernetes example README
gmem created pull request forgejo/runner#69 2023-08-17 09:27:19 +00:00
#40: Simplify Kubernetes examples with offline registration
gmem created branch 40-kubernetes-examples in gmem/runner 2023-08-17 09:27:02 +00:00
gmem pushed to 40-kubernetes-examples at gmem/runner 2023-08-17 09:27:02 +00:00
70d17228df Simplify Kubernetes examples with offline registration
gmem commented on issue forgejo/runner#40 2023-08-17 09:07:36 +00:00
Fix Kubernetes deployment example

After some experimentation and minor crimes against Kubernetes? I've worked out a proof of concept using a deployment and offline registration. I've verified that it correctly scales as well -…

gmem commented on issue forgejo/runner#40 2023-08-16 20:48:54 +00:00
Fix Kubernetes deployment example

I'm wondering if it's worth switching over to a StatefulSet, since each Runner will need to be unique with its own registration configuration. Since the deployment is using a ReadWriteOnce PVC…

gmem pushed to main at gmem/runner 2023-08-16 20:43:27 +00:00
e1bdbf9ef9 update release notes
0e0d488e6e Merge pull request 'Bump Go version to 1.21' (#68) from gmem/runner:go-1.21 into main
410de713ab Bump Go version to 1.21
ab564ca25d Merge pull request 'Revert #50' (#65) from gmem/runner:revert-1.20.5 into main
046a9a99f7 Remove pinned go version in test workflow
Compare 11 commits »
gmem deleted branch upgrade-runner-2.4.0 from gmem/setup-forgejo 2023-08-15 08:48:04 +00:00
gmem deleted branch go-version-1.21 from gmem/setup-forgejo 2023-08-15 08:47:38 +00:00
gmem created pull request actions/setup-forgejo#42 2023-08-15 08:36:42 +00:00
Upgrade default runner version to 2.4.0
gmem created branch upgrade-runner-2.4.0 in gmem/setup-forgejo 2023-08-15 08:36:25 +00:00
gmem pushed to upgrade-runner-2.4.0 at gmem/setup-forgejo 2023-08-15 08:36:25 +00:00
f648227f28 Upgrade default runner version to 2.4.0
gmem commented on issue forgejo/runner#62 2023-08-14 19:50:34 +00:00
Is there a config option to force pull?

Heh, yeah, good point. There's a lot of layers to this. I'll see if this is something I can pick up for Forgejo's own runner.

gmem commented on issue forgejo/runner#62 2023-08-14 19:22:23 +00:00
Is there a config option to force pull?

@dachary Is this something we would want upstream to figure out/implement, or would we be willing to implement this in our fork? It seems like there are some PRs made against upstream to do this,…

gmem pushed to go-version-1.21 at gmem/setup-forgejo 2023-08-14 17:02:42 +00:00
ca54077433 Use Go 1.21, refactor Go setup function
gmem commented on pull request actions/setup-forgejo#41 2023-08-14 17:02:23 +00:00
Use Go 1.21, refactor Go setup function

Oh, derp, good catch. Going to update the commit message.

gmem commented on pull request actions/setup-forgejo#34 2023-08-14 15:57:58 +00:00
WIP: upgrade to go1.20.6

@earl-warren I've opened actions/setup-forgejo#41, which can probably replace this PR

gmem created pull request actions/setup-forgejo#41 2023-08-14 15:57:07 +00:00
Use Go 1.12, refactor Go setup function